21 Important Qualifying Questions HMO Landlords Should Ask Tenants

21 Important Qualifying Questions HMO Landlords Should Ask Tenants

Taking on a new tenant can be a stressful experience. You want to make sure you rent to the best possible candidate, but you’re also aware of the age-old adage “time is money,” which can make landlords want to rush things through.

While there are some aspects of the lettings process that should be rushed, selecting your next tenant is not one of them. Far too much is at stake. Taking the time to ask all tenancy applicants the following 21 questions will allow you to compare and contrast each of them, removing much of the guesswork from the process.

What Questions Should Landlords Ask Potential Tenants?

If you want to put the best tenant possible in your property – and who doesn’t? – There are a few things you should learn about them before signing your part of the tenancy agreement. The following questions will reveal everything.

Yes, some questions are difficult to ask, but it’s far better to bite the bullet now than to face major problems later. Let’s get started!

When do you want to move in?

A simple enough question to begin with, and the answer will tell you if your dates coincide. If they don’t, you might want to end the conversation here and save each other the time of answering the remaining questions on this list.

Do you currently rent?

This is another simple one to keep things moving. The response your prospective tenant provides will allow you to determine how familiar they are with the renting process and will provide you with a nice lead into the next question…

If Yes, Will your current landlord provide a good reference?

Naturally, you’ll ask for references anyway, but communicating this to your applicant in this manner allows them to elaborate on how they perceive their relationship with their current landlord. Positives and negatives can both be telling in this situation, so accept all answers with an open mind.

What about ex-landlords and bosses?

The reason for asking this follow-up question is similar to the one stated above, but with the added benefit of broadening things a little. However, keep in mind that everyone has the ability to change their ways, so don’t punish or persecute people unnecessarily. A 40-something tenant, for example, is unlikely to cause the same problems they did in their twenties.

Is your current landlord aware that you’re leaving?

This is a deceptively simple question. The answer can provide you with additional information about the tenant’s relationship with their current landlord as well as their general perspective on landlord-tenant relationships.

If they say ‘No,’ it could mean they have little regard for the landlord’s position, which you should obviously avoid. Of course, this may not be the case, but you should follow up with a ‘Why not?’ question to delve a little deeper.

Have you ever been evicted before?

The final round of screening will reveal whether or not the tenant has been previously evicted, but asking early serves a dual purpose.

For starters, it allows the tenant to explain the situation and present their case. Second, it allows you to quickly narrow the field and save time by excluding tenants who cannot explain why they were previously evicted by another landlord.

Have you broken a rental agreement?

Breaking a rental agreement is not the same as being evicted, but as a landlord, you should be aware of it.

There are numerous legitimate reasons why a tenant might violate their lease, so don’t interpret every ‘Yes’ as an automatic red flag. Inquire as to why this occurred, and then cross-check their response when approaching their previous landlord for a reference.

Do you have any criminal history? If so, for what and when?

Again, if you choose to proceed, this will be revealed later in background checks, but why wait? Getting things like this out of the way as soon as possible will save you both time.

A criminal record, like a broken rental agreement, should not automatically disqualify a tenant from your shortlist. Consider the crime, the time it was committed, and whether or not it was a one-time occurrence.

Remember that convictions, not arrests, are all that matters in this case. After all, being arrested is not the same as being found guilty.

Why are you moving?

Needless to say, you’re looking for a simple answer to a simple question. Being closer to work or needing a garden for the kids are both perfectly acceptable reasons, whereas being served with a Section 21 or Section 8 notice, or both, is an entirely different kettle of fish.

Regardless of the answer, it’s always a good idea to double-check what they say by contacting their current landlord. Yes, it would be a better world if we could all trust each other, but in reality, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

How long did you live in your previous home?

It’s a simple one. This will give you an idea of whether they are likely to become long-term tenants, but it is not a guarantee. It’s useful to know, but only in the context of the bigger picture.

How long do you intend to rent my property?

A good follow-up question to the previous one. If you’re lucky, they’ll respond with, ‘How long will you let us stay?’

How many tenants are expected to move in?

This is critical for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the legal aspect of renting to comply with your HMO Licence. Inquire about their ages as well as their relationship to the applicant.

Do you or anyone else moving in have pets?

You need to make your own policy on what you accept, multiple tenants with multiple pets under one roof might be a recipe for disaster. As more landlords come around to the idea of allowing tenants to keep pets in their properties, it will be more important to some than others. However, before signing on the dotted line, you should understand what you’re getting yourself into. After all, a python isn’t the same as a poodle!

Are you aware of your obligations under the tenancy agreement?

All good applicants understand the importance of behaving like tenants, and asking this question will give you an idea of how likely they are to follow the rules you lay out in your agreement. Of course, you should double-check this when obtaining references, but you’ll get a good sense of their attitude when they submit their response.

However, there are times when you may get a blank stare for legitimate reasons, such as when renting for the first time. This is obviously not a reason to reject the applicant. Instead, use it as an opportunity to go over those responsibilities and how important it is to follow through on them.

What is your profession?

Although this may appear to be an irrelevant question, it can provide you with insight into your applicant’s life and how they’ll fit in with your exisiting housemates and property.

Someone who works from home (an increasingly popular option) may cause a little more wear and tear on the property than someone who is at work all day. On the other hand, you may view this as a benefit because someone will be monitoring the property around the clock.

There are no right or wrong answers here; just another way to get a sense of who you’ll be renting to.

Do you enjoy your job?

This follow-up is primarily to determine how financially stable they are. Someone who is completely satisfied with their job is far less likely to leave than someone who despises their workplace and everyone in it. Nothing concrete, because anything can (and does) happen, but it’s another piece to consider.

What is your annual salary?

It’s never easy to talk about money, but you’re running a business, so you need to know that your prospective tenant will be able to comfortably meet the rent each and every month. A rough estimate of what the person earns per year will give you a good idea whether or not this is the case. A good rule of thumb is you want them to be earning a minimum of 30 x the room rent annually

Do you have the required rental deposit?

What will it be like when payment day comes around each month if the tenant dithers over this one? Will it always be like drawing blood from a stone? If your gut tells you that, it’s time to look elsewhere, because the stress of fighting for your money 12 times a year isn’t worth it.

Do you have a Guarantor?

It’s not necessary, but it’s nice to have. This is one of those questions that can make or break an otherwise equal applicant pool.

Which would you choose if one has a rental guarantor and the other does not?   Even if they have extremely secure jobs and are the ideal candidate, having the security of a rental guarantor behind them can provide you with a great deal of peace of mind. It’s definitely worth asking about.

Have you got any questions for me?

Finally, it’s time to flip the script and give the applicant a chance to ask you some questions. While this may appear to be the polite thing to do, you’d be surprised how often it turns into an excuse to either bend over backwards for a prospective tenant or flee for the hills. Always give them the opportunity to ask you a question. Always.

That’s all! Before entering into an agreement, landlords should ask prospective tenants a comprehensive list of 21 screening questions. Knowing the answers will provide you with valuable insight into each applicant and assist you in making the best decision for you, your property, and your business.